An Amazing 144 Donkeys Cared for Across Villages in Zambia

This month, the ZWDP team has been hard at work, bringing care and support to donkeys in need across several villages. Three mobile clinics provided check-ups and care for donkeys across five villages. The team is pleased to report that 144 donkeys were treated for external parasites, and 130 for internal parasites. Nine donkeys received basic...

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Ellie Herodes
LAZAWO July-Aug Update - Medical care and Treatment for Hundreds of Working Donkeys

The LAZAWO team has made a huge difference this month in Kinyang’erere village! They held a major clinic and cared for an amazing 253 donkeys in July-August. The team treated 233 donkeys for various issues, including wounds, tick infestations, eye infections and colic. Para-vet Steven went the extra mile by following up on 125 donkeys and treating 20 new ones in nearby villages.

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Ellie Herodes
APOWA July Update - 93 Animals Treated, 348 Vaccinated and Creating Compassion in Odisha

The future for animals is bright with our project partner, APOWA, continuing their wonderful work to improve the lives of animals. The team is creating a compassionate world by educating communities with working animals, ensuring they are treated with respect and kindness. In July, the dedicated team treated 93 hardworking animals, including bullocks and horses, through the mobile clinic. They also provided vaccinations to 348 animals...

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Ellie Herodes