Blind Love Working Donkeys July Update - A Breakthrough in Jozi for Donkey Welfare


The Blind Love team decided to head to a new area called Jozi in June. The goal was to connect with new donkey owners but getting word out was difficult. The outreach didn’t work as planned, so the team returned in July with help from Maloli, a dedicated SPCA officer who knew the area well and notified owners.

The team had packed harnesses, medicine, dewormers, tick and fly treatments and snacks for the donkeys.

When they arrived, six donkey carts were already there. Relief washed over the Blind Love team! They got straight to work, taking down the owners’ contact details and recording each donkey’s name. The donkeys were in good health. Only a few minor rubs from harnesses needed attention.

Blind Love treated a total of 12 donkeys with love and care!

The team dewormed the donkeys and treated them for ticks. Hooves were checked and trimmed where necessary. SPCA officers Philip and Lee joined in. They distributed 12 humane harnesses. The SPCA also brought bags of padding and other items to replace broken straps or buckles. Each owner received a small bag of nutritious pony cubes for their donkeys.

The team then discussed the future as owners suggested other areas that needed visits. Inspector Maloli would help spread the word again. They also talked about castrating male donkeys. One owner had two that needed the procedure. Dates for August visits were yet to be set.

The owners also raised a worrying issue. Their donkeys were being taken at night and used for unknown purposes, potentially to transport wood. The animals were returned in the early hours, but it was clear they had been worked. The owners feared for their donkeys’ safety and were concerned about potential accidents with vehicles. The SPCA offered to contact the local traffic department as this illegal activity at night needed to be stopped.

In the end, the visit was a success and the team are super happy with the progress being made to improve the lives of working donkeys. 

They have made concrete plans for the future to keep travelling and helping donkeys across South Africa!

Ellie Herodes