Sanctuary for Rescued Donkeys Upgraded

Tanzania Humane Charity (TAHUCHA) have been working hard over the past few months to upgrade and expand our partnered sanctuary for rescued donkeys in Bukombe. With AAA funds, the TAHUCHA team have finished putting in a much-needed well and have constructed a new yard. The expansion will provide more room for the 128 donkeys who currently live there and increase the sanctuary's capacity to house additional working donkeys in need. Now, even more donkeys can be rescued or hospitalised for treatment at the TAHUCHA-AAA sanctuary.

A brand-new donkey stable is also nearing completion at the moment, with only the final touches to go. The new stable is being named in honour of Dianne Lawrence, AAA’s former treasurer. Dianne has been one of our backbones for 14 years and always fulfilled the requirements of her role with the highest integrity, efficiency and professionalism. We now warmly welcome Yvette Price as AAA’s new treasurer and are pleased Dianne will remain with AAA in another administrative role.

The much-needed new well has been connected to the water troughs and will ensure the rescued donkeys have adequate water at all times, including in the dry season.

A special new gate for the yard has also been constructed, thanks to Judith Smith, a generous AAA donor from Queensland. The gate has been named Rosie and Millie’s Gate in memory of Judith’s dog, Rosie, and her daughter’s dog, Millie, who both passed away recently.

Many thanks to all of our generous donors for allowing us to upgrade and expand our partnered sanctuary in Tanzania for working donkeys.

Janet Thomas