Starting Over June Update - Rescue and Recovery for Donkeys Saved from War


Sharon and her dedicated team at Starting Over are facing a multitude of challenges as they fight tirelessly to rescue, rehabilitate, and care for donkeys and horses from the Gaza war.

Despite the difficulties and danger, Starting Over's bravery and the generosity of supporters have brought hope, with 168 donkeys rescued from Gaza to date.

The situation in Gaza is dire for many donkeys. War, neglect, and exhaustion have left countless animals injured, abandoned, and traumatised. 

Starting Over find themselves stretched thin, lacking the volunteers and resources needed to care for the 56 donkeys currently residing in the Hope Compound.

Through kind donations, the rescued donkeys receive food, shelter, medical treatment and specialised care. This support is monumental for the animals.

The rehabilitated donkey enclosure is for those requiring extra attention. These donkeys, often the most severely injured, weak, or elderly, come from unimaginable situations  - many from the war in Gaza.


Victoria, a young female donkey, arrived from Gaza in a critical condition. Found abandoned after years of relentless work, she was weak and couldn’t walk. Thankfully, soldiers managed to get her safely to Starting Over, where she finally received loving care. 

The veterinary assessment revealed an old injury - a debilitating tendon tear, one likely she had been forced to endure while carrying heavy loads. 

Despite a year-long treatment plan, Victoria remains strong, evident in her trust towards Sharon and her team. 

Sharon and her team will take good care of her now and show her a kindness she hadn’t experienced before in her new home at the Hope Compound.


Sunday, a young foal, was a victim of cruelty. Found being ridden to exhaustion and tormented by children, he was rescued at night from a dangerous area in Ramallah with the help of the police.

It was not easy but their rescue was a success and Sunday is now recovering well and being cared for with love.

Now safe at the Hope Compound, Sunday is receiving everything he needs and more.

He is better, but still very weak and unable to get up on his own. His legs and pelvis still hurt. But he eats well and no longer needs an infusion. It'll take a few weeks, but he'll be fine.

- Sharon

Your donations mean everything; they're the turning point for these donkeys from war, transforming a life of hardship into a future filled with love and safety.

Seeing Victoria take those first tentative steps again, or Sunday raise her head and trustingly walk towards staff – these moments wouldn't be possible without the amazing team at Starting Over and all of you, our incredible supporters. 
Thank you for your kindness and support for donkeys and all animals. ❤️

Ellie Herodes