Nowzad June Update - Horse Recovering in Hospital and Compassion for Animals


In Kabul, Nowzad's Working Animal Program continues to make a significant impact on the lives of many animals. During June, their team provided care for 153 horses, 2 donkeys, and 10 livestock animals, offering them much-needed treatment and supplies like water troughs and hay.

They treated 13 horses with wounds caused by ill-fitting or makeshift harnesses and equipment. These injuries varied in severity. Some horses needed hospitalisation to heal properly, while others were treated with wound spray on-site. Nowzad will keep a close eye on these animals throughout the summer to ensure they recover fully and that their owners follow the provided care advice.

Skin parasites were also a significant issue this month, as is often the case during this time of year. Fleas, ticks, and mange mites were causing discomfort and affecting the animals' ability to work. To address this, Nowzad treated 50 animals with Neguvon powder, which helps alleviate these problems.

One case of particular concern involved a horse with a deep slash injury to its neck, inflicted during a fight with another horse. The team took this horse to the hospital for further treatment to prevent infection.

Another horse had a painful wound on its tongue caused by an ill-fitting bit. Dr Reshad was able to stitch up the injury and offer advice to the owner about proper equipment. Nowzad plans to buy and provide better-quality bits in the future to prevent similar issues.

Nowzad's dedication to these animals is clear through their hands-on approach and commitment to improving the lives of both animals and their owners.

Summary of Nowzad Mobile Veterinary Visits:

In June 2024, veterinary visits across multiple locations in Kabul involved treating 53 donkeys and 117 horses. Services included administering 39 rabies and 40 tetanus vaccinations, deworming 47 animals, and performing hoof trimming on 18. Various conditions were addressed, such as wounds, limping, respiratory issues, and malnutrition, with specific treatments including antibiotics, pain relief, and hospitalizations for severe cases like broken legs and torsion of the rumen. Notable interventions included surgeries, anaemia treatment with Vitamin B12, and management of dehydration and colic.

We are thankful for Nowzad’s ongoing efforts and loving care and concern for every animal they help.

Your donations empower and equip the Nowzad team and vets to care for animals, improving their lives, health and well-being. 💕

Ellie Herodes