HIS Equine Care Quarterly Update - Lifesaving Care for Equines and New Hope for A Distressed Donkey


Our project partners, Help in Suffering (HIS), have cared for and treated many equines during the second quarter of 2024. The team and their vets' dedication and expertise have made a world of difference for animals.


10 equine cases were treated, including donkeys, ponies, and horses.

Common issues addressed by HIS vets included colic, impaction, lameness, general weakness, and wounds.

Compunder Anandi cleans and dresses a traumatic hoof wound, administers medications, and gives a tetanus injection before the owner takes the horse back.

Dr Pramod gave proper instructions and necessary follow-up to the owner for proper healing.

Dr. Pramod conducts a physical examination of a mare suffering from colic.

Necessary medication was given.

Dr. Pramod conducting a thorough physical examination of a colic pregnant mare by taking its history.

He gave the necessary treatment plan and communicates it to the owner, ensuring both mare and foal's well-being.

Dr. Khagesh, a veterinary doctor in training at Help in Suffering, treats colic under the observation of Dr. Pramod.

During the treatment, Dr. Khagesh checks the lungs to monitor the horse’s respiratory status and ensure comprehensive care.

Compunder Anandi giving injection and fluid therapy to a mare suffering from Colic.

This helped the mare to restore normal gut function and support the overall health during treatment.

Dr. Pramod examines a mare for signs of impaction.

The mare was admitted at the hospital and was given the necessary treatment and medication.

After recovery we gave a dewormer tablet and tetanus injection.

Dr. Pramod examining a horse's hoof to check any signs of injury, infection, or abnormalities, such as cracks, bruises, or foreign objects. 

Treatment was given to ensure the horse's hoof health.

CRC Bassi Updates

  • Care was provided to the 9 equines (7 donkeys, 1 stallion, and 1 mule) residing at the CRC Bassi facility.

  • All resident equines received deworming and hoof trimming.

Deworming treatments being given

Hoof trimming

Dr. Jitendra Ghingonia is pictured administering deworming medication and also treated a mare with pyometra


We'd like to introduce you to three rescue animals who have found their forever home at HIS sanctuary and are now a part of our AAA sponsorship program. Thanks to our supporters, rescued animals can leave behind their harsh pasts and live safe, comfortable lives.

A donkey in distress was brought to the HIS team by his owner with painful neck and dorsum wounds. Our veterinarians conducted a comprehensive examination to diagnose the issue. Following the diagnosis, they administered the necessary treatment to promote healing and prevent infection. We also carefully instructed the owner on how to properly care for Victoria's wounds and monitor his progress. However, his situation remained precarious, leading to his eventual rescue by our dedicated team. Today, Victoria is receiving care and treatment at the HIS hospital.

Sunhaira, the hinny with a will to live, was discovered abandoned and suffering from knuckling, a debilitating joint condition. Struggling to move and in evident distress, this poor creature desperately needed help. Our team wasted no time in rescuing Sunhaira and providing him with the veterinary treatment and compassionate care he required. Despite the initial challenges, Sunhaira is now well on the road to recovery, finally receiving the love and attention he so rightly deserves.

Veeru, a symbol of resilience, was found abandoned years ago, riddled with severe joint issues, overgrown hooves, and deformities. Since his arrival, our veterinary team has been tirelessly providing him with high-quality treatment. Recently, under the skilled leadership of Dr. Jack and Dr. Sanjay, Veeru underwent a successful gelding procedure. Today, Veeru is fully recovered and enjoys a happy life alongside Sunhaira in our horse shelter.

These are just a few examples of the many animals who benefit from our sponsorship program. They receive nutritious food, shelter, warm blankets, regular grooming, essential veterinary treatment, and most importantly, loving care.

Meet the HIS Equine Vets

Dr. Pramod Kumar Boyal looks after the rescue at our Durgapura campus.

Dr. Jitendra Ghingonia operates from our Bassi campus.

The dedication of HIS and the positive impact they have on the lives of equines is astounding and we are proud to support them in their life saving work for animals.

Thank you to our supporters for contributing to the success of these incredible initiatives!

Ellie Herodes