Help in Suffering (HIS) Camel Rescue Centre (CRC) Report - August 2023

Help in Suffering (HIS) is one of the partner groups that benefits from the generous donations from AAA supporters. HIS have sent us a report from their Camel Rescue Centre (CRC) for the month of August 2023:


During August a camel owner Raju called us from the village Chawandia. He said that when his camel went to the jungle for open browsing, he got his leg badly injured. There was profuse bleeding. Our CRC vet Dr. Jitendar went to see this emergency case immediately. Under general anaesthesia, he ligated the vein surgically. The blood stopped. Antibiotics, painkillers etc were administered. The leg was bandaged.

The owner was advised to provide proper rest to the animal and to keep the wound clean.


Near our site in the village of Tunga, a person named Kedar saw that a camel had met with an accident, so he called our Bassi shelter at 10:30 pm.

Our team reached there quickly as it was an emergency. They found that the camel was hit by a big truck. He was lying on the highway and was unable to bear the weight of his neck. His condition was very critical.

The treatment was started immediately with pain killers, fluid therapy etc. We tried our best but could not save him.

Thankyou to HIS for being there to provide care and help for these working animals and AAA donors who make this essential work possible.

Janet Thomas