Generously donated equine dental supplies received by TAHUCHA

AAA partner group, Tanzania Humane Charity (TAHUCHA) in Bukombe, Tanzania, were very grateful to recently receive an equine dental kit, courtesy of The Edge Equine in Bendigo, Victoria.

The Handfloat slimline kit, speculum and dental mirror were very kindly donated and shipped to Tanzania by The Equine Edge and a very big thank you to Tim and Sue who donated and organised this very special equipment donation. The kit was very well received and is now in use at TAHUCHA’s clinic.

Dental pathology and pain is very common in donkeys and often goes untreated as it can’t be seen. Donkeys are also very stoic so pain can often be missed. This equipment will allow the donkeys’ mouths to be properly examined and treated and will have a huge impact on their welfare.

Thank you again, Tim and Sue, your donation will make treating equines much easier for the team at TAHUCHA, and will make the world of difference for the donkeys that will benefit from the use of this equipment.

Janet Thomas