Friendicoes Equine Program August 2023

Friendicoes in India are a longstanding partner group of Animal Aid Abroad, and have been supported by generous AAA donors throughout this time. Following is their report for their Equine Program for August 2023:

Once again colic continues to be the most prevalent issue seen in the working horses in the area. It causes dehydration, impaction and poor gut motility. To treat the issue, the team administer pain killers, laxatives and fluid therapy, with firm instruction to the owner to supply the animal with plenty of fresh drinking water.

The team also treated many wounds due to things like tin sheets and iron rods being used in roughly made stables, and infected back sores caused by ill-fitting saddles and carts.

A pony was rescued from Turkman Gate in Delhi - it was surrendered by the owners due to old age and lack of income. The pony was brought to the Gurgaon shelter and given a safe comfortable place to live.

Another pony was rescued from Maujpur, across state borders. The pony had been abandoned and was wandering in between traffic lanes. This pony is now also happy and safe at the sanctuary.

Janet Thomas