BlindLove Cart Horse Report - May 2023

AAA partner group in South Africa, BlindLove, is supported by the kindness of AAA donors who help keep programs like this running.

During the month of May the BlindLove team from Agripreneur Farmers Institute held 4 outreach clinics in Thabanchu with the cart horses and their owners.

The veterinary outreach that was scheduled for Wednesday 31st had to be postponed until 14 June as both young CCS vets were away for the last week of May, assisting with a big State organised Spay Campaign, and the veterinary technician was away on leave.

Outreach dates were: 6 May, 13 May, 20 May & 27 May.

At these welfare outreach the team treated any minor injuries and wounds as well as treating for internal and external parasites ( ticks, flies, worms.) The team have started receiving good feedback from owners and are happy to report an overall improvement in the body condition scores of horses regularly attending the clinics.

One owner in particular Lazerous, and his horse Tycoon (who was one of the horses in very poor condition at the start of the program), has shown good improvement. The team also continues to educate and discuss with owners issues impacting on the welfare of their horses.

This month the team also started making use of Peter Muckles Welfare assessment tools (now available online),which will make it much easier for us to track the progress of each horse and owner, and collect and manage all data.

Janet Thomas