Animal Nepal - February 2023 Report

Following is the Animal Nepal Dukuchhap Animal Sanctuary monthly report for February 2023.

We received many visitors at the sanctuary this month, both from Nepal and abroad. It’s nice to see so many people making the intentional effort to visit our sanctuary and to learn about all of our rescued animals. Having visitors is always a nice treat for our animals as they do really enjoy the extra attention they receive.

This month, we carried out Sanu’s castration. Although the method of castration is painful for the calf, we do castrate all the male animals at our sanctuary in order to prevent accidental pregnancies, reduce aggression and other testosterone driven behavioral issues. Due to their size and strength, bulls can be very difficult to handle and even more so, if they are not castrated. Sanu has recovered well from the procedure and there were no complications.

The rain season has started which means that our animals now have plenty of fresh grass to graze on, which is one of their most favourite things to do!

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Animal Aid Abroad for their continued financial support in the running and maintenance of the sanctuary for our rescued equines in Dukuchhap.

Janet Thomas