MARES in ZImbabwe team up for donkeys in Jembwe

During the month of July MARES, together with Greenline Africa & VAWS Victoria Falls, met with the 10 donkey owners and 20 donkeys that the team had handed harnesses to in November 2021, to check on them and re-enforce the education that had been provided at that time. They also dewormed and vaccinated the donkeys for tetanus and rabies. 

The next 10 donkey owners and 20 donkeys received their new harnesses and education and the team also handed out in both English and Ndebele, the basic notes on care for the donkeys.  These, too, were also vaccinated and dewormed. 

The team then went on to deworm and vaccinate the other 112 donkeys in the Jembwe area.  One donkey owner brought his 3 donkeys for treatment. They saw that one donkey was only 18 months old, the second donkey only 2.5 years and the oldest donkey, despite being 5 years old, had been worked by the owner since she was 2 years, putting too much stress on her little hooves, and disfiguring them horribly.  All 3 donkeys were taken to the sanctuary of Greenline Africa where they shall send their farrier up each month to trim her hooves (he will do this every month for 6 months) and keep the other 2 donkeys until they are old enough to be used for work at 3 years old.  The team have arranged that a donkey owner who has 16 donkeys will loan him 2 donkeys until he gets his ones back.

Janet Thomas