Help in Suffering Camel Rescue Centre - March Report

Help in Suffering (HIS) have sent us two case studies from their Camel Rescue Centre team in March 2022.

Case 1-

One day when we were on our regular visit to one of the treatment sites, an owner Santosh Dhobi called us from the village Lalsot to tell us that another camel had bitten his camel’s tail badly three days ago. An offensive smell is coming from it, and the camel is not eating. He sent us some pics too. He wanted to bring his camel to CRC. We asked to bring him early in the morning the next day.

When he came, Dr. Jitendar examined the tail and found that it was a multiple fracture of tail bones. Seeing no other option he had to remove the rotten part of the tail surgically. Surgery was completed successfully under anaesthesia. Antibiotics, pain killers, and antiseptic ointments were given. The owner was so happy to have his problem solved free of cost by the CRC team which would have cost him a lot of money elsewhere.

We are so thankful to our donors to help us do good work.


 Case 2-

The second case was again a case of a camel bite coincidentally. The owner Tarachand came with his camel to CRC with the complaint of lameness of his camel. It was due to the bite of another camel at his camel’s right forelimb. The leg had swelling at the site and it was very painful because of pus formation. The camel could not walk or sit easily.

The camel was admitted, the wound was cleaned aseptically. Appropriate pain killers, and antibiotics were administered.

After two days the pain was reduced and the camel could walk effortlessly.

The owner thanked us all. We could also feel the gratitude in the camel’s eye.

Janet Thomas