Friendicoes Equine Program - February 2022 Report

Friendicoes in India had a busy February with their equine program. They had cases of colic, which involved dehydration, impaction and poor gut motility. Another case was stomatitis, where a horse had ingested some toxic material which caused severe ulceration of the oral mucosa, leaving the horse unable to eat or drink. One poor horse was trapped in a fire when stables had been set alight and received 2 degree burns to many areas of its body. Wounds caused by fencing wire, and an eye worm were among the other cases treated.

In all cases, the animals were able to receive the proper treatment and make full recoveries.

The team also rescued a number of equines - these included a horse that was partially blind and was habitually beaten by its owner, and a lame pony rescued from the Azadpur markets. Both of these animals were brought to the Gurgaon shelter to receive the care and safe environment they deserve.

Thank you to the Friendicoes team for being on the ground to help these animals.

Janet Thomas