Bridging Lanka - Mannar Donkey Clinic and Education Centre Report - November 2021

Following are some stories from the November 2021 activity at the Mannar Donkey Clinic and Education Centre:

Admission Number 295

The Pesalai Pradeshiya Sabha (local government) is using a property near Sinnakarisal as a public garbage dump. Some donkeys rely on this garbage for their food. These dumps contain lots of discarded tin cans. Frequently a donkey is trapped by a fish can which cuts deeply into its leg, often causing serious injury and loss of blood. Kilamet from Sinnakarisal works as a labourer making cement blocks.  He sees these donkeys and tries to remove the offending item almost on a daily basis. Unfortunately he mostly fails in his attempts as the donkeys gallop away.

One evening near his friend’s home he notices a familiar sight. Even with his friend’s help he is not able to catch the donkey. In the morning the injured donkey was still there with its deep leg wound still fresh. Kilamet contacted our clinic and eve helped the rescue team load the donkey onto the vehicle. There was a putrid smell and the wound abounded with maggots. The Donkey Welfare Officers removed the tin can and our vet treated the animal. A daily protocol of antiseptics, Hydrogen peroxide and Betadine; a painkiller, Flunixin; an anti-parasitic, Negasunt; an antibiotic, Penicillin, and an anti-inflammatory, Dexamethasone, is now administered. The donkey is recovering well.

Admission Number 298

The commercial centre of Uppukulam includes many fruit and vegetable outlets and local eateries. On cue five donkeys present themselves daily at 7:00 pm for any left overs for which the local proprietors oblige. On one occasion a female donkey with an injured and bleeding leg was among the five. A police officer on duty noticed the donkey and came closer for a better look. Surprisingly, the donkey did not move. This was a clear indication of its great pain. The clinic was contacted. Our rescue staff caught the donkey easily. At the clinic the wound to the hoof was cleaned and immediate first aid was given as it was late at night. Early the next morning our vet examined the donkey and administered Hydrogen Peroxide, Betadine and Negasunt. The donkey‘s condition is improving by the day.

Janet Thomas