Hendro Animal Rescue Centre (HARC) Progress Report - May 2021

Hurdles Galore but Situation Normal

Construction on the Hendro Animal Rescue Centre (HARC) continues. Two purpose built structures are nearing completion with each building set to house 14 kennels. It was fortuitous that the buildings had progressed substantially just before Covid’s ‘third wave’ struck on 11th May.

Even with little forewarning of rolling lockdowns, we managed to secure dwindling roofing materials to continue essential aspects of the construction work. With the roof up, and heavy restriction on all travel, construction has now come to a standstill. Our contractor, labourers and project manager are not permitted on site. With all imports of building materials suspended since last year costs of materials have also increased substantially.

In addition, uncharacteristic torrential rain and accompanying violent winds in the April-May period, usually the driest and hottest months of the year, delayed progress. However, as we are accustomed to disrupted plans and progress, when conditions are more favourable, work will recommence.

Janet Thomas