Camel Rescue Centre (CRC) in Bassi, May update

One day during May, CRC vet Dr. Jitendar and his team were going to his routine site. They saw that there was a crowd standing on the road in their village Bassi. They saw that a camel was injured and his face was blood stained. On asking the people, they were told that a motorcycle rider had come by fast and hit the camel’s face. The camel was bleeding, so immediate dressing of the wound was done. Painkillers and antibiotics were given. Some medicines were given for oral use at home. The injury was not too severe so the team advised the owner to come to CRC for further dressing of the wound.

This was just one of many such cases encountered and addressed on their regular outreach clinics.

During May, 245 camels were treated, and 86 other types of animals were treated as required.

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Janet Thomas