AAA team up with Murdoch vet students to help feed Gili Island ponies

Due to Covid-19, Indonesia has been closed to foreign tourists since March 2020, and will likely remain closed for many months to come. As such, those working in tourism have been hit hard, not least of which, the working ponies who work in tourism on Gili island. The owners are struggling to keep the animals fed with a severe lack of income.

Animal Aid Abroad has teamed up with Murdoch vet students (Murdoch University Veterinary Medicine Class of 2023) to help the working ponies on Gili Island who have been affected by the closure of the island.

Along with the help of Sarah Best from Trawangan Dive, funds raised have been able to supplement feed for all of the horses on the island to help prevent malnourishment or worse, starvation.

Thank you to all of the supporters who are helping us to help them, it is greatly appreciated.

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Janet Thomas