Tanzania Humane Charity (TAHUCHA) on their regular work, and the Shinyanga rescue mission

In spite of the good efforts from TAHUCHA in collaboration with AAA since 2016 up to now, we have reached many wards and villages in Geita and Shinyanga, but we still see abuse and mistreatment towards working animals, especially working donkeys. Silent suffering is still going on in some areas with no chance of veterinary care. 

TAHUCHA and AAA will continue providing free expert care to animals in need all over the region of Geita, and we do this by deploying vets in rural settings where they are needed most.

Once animals are treated, humane education and training is usually provided concurrently though we need more funding dedicated for this vital component.

In the month of February we have been able to serve donkeys in the rural settings of Bukombe District through mobile and outreach services. Issues addressed were wounds and pain as a result of ox yoke harnesses, overworking, overloading, beating and signs of illness.

Numbers at a glance in Namonge, Ushirombo, and Igulwa wards:

400 donkeys dewormed, dipped for the purpose of ticks and tsetse fly control, wounds dressed and successfully healed and various conditions of equine trypanosomes, babesiosis, trauma, tetanus, eye infections and lameness due to hoof issues were treated.

200 donkeys in our care at TAHUCHA sanctuary, most from the Shinyanga rescue mission and few are community donkeys as a result of mistreatment.

Once animals are treated, donkey owners are educated on the humane handling on donkeys. In February 2021, 43 community members were educated on humane handling.

Thank you to the AAA donors for supporting TAHUCHA.

Janet Thomas