TAHUCHA November Case Study

In early November 2021, the Tanzania Humane Charity (TAHUCHA) team, during their daily routine veterinary ambulatory services, made a house visit where they met with a donkey that had a septic wound on the sacral regions with a bad smell. The owner explained to the team that the donkey had been working in the forest, carrying logs on carts for 14 days, and the donkey’s rider was using a stick with thorns to make the donkey run, causing the painful wound and pus formation under the skin of the donkey.

The TAHUCHA team conducted a thorough clinical examination of this innocent donkey suffering with pain and a reduced appetite, which revealed that the donkey had necrotic sloughing of hair on the sacral region with pus that was producing the bad smell and much discomfort for the donkey.

The team provided pain relief, cleaned the wound with water and antiseptics, applied topical wound healer and administered antibiotics for prevention of secondary bacterial infections.

The donkey was prescribed rest, food and water while in progress with treatment, and 22 days later was recovered, wound healed and now is happy enjoying the life at the sanctuary.

In mid-November 2021, TAHUCHA conducted an education session at the village of Butambala near Kigosi National Park on humane education for donkey care and requirements. 24 children, 39 donkey owners and 64 donkey riders were educated and they decided to have a champion for donkey welfare whose responsibility it is to oversee donkey welfare at the village.

We would like to appreciate AAA for their keen and heartfelt support to TAHUCHA and donkey owner’s community at Bukombe.


Janet Thomas