Nowzad Vets Update: Educating Owners for Animal Care and Preparing for Kabul’s Summer


Nowzad vets have been busy performing vital vet care and treatment for animals while spreading their knowledge and positivity among horse and donkey owners in Kabul.

Many animals received their essential vaccinations to keep them safe against rabies and tetanus.

Animal owners learned valuable welfare tips from the Nowzad vets on keeping their equine companions healthy.  

This fantastic training covered basic husbandry practices to improve the animals' well-being and working ability. Owners are now equipped to handle minor wounds and illnesses with confidence. 

The Nowzad vets showed them the contents of handy first-aid kits, complete with wound powder and bandages and explained how to use them effectively.

These first-aid kits are more than just supplies – they're a way to reward responsible care! Owners who commit to the welfare of their horses and donkeys with regular check-ups from the vets, will be eligible to receive one.

With our passionate project partners, we’re working to inspire and empower communities with a commitment of compassion.

The Nowzad team also distributed a whopping 42 water troughs to owners and brick kiln workers during May and June.  

These are a must for working horses and donkeys, especially during Kabul's scorching summer months, when temperatures can soar to a sizzling 40°C!  Keeping animals hydrated and cool will be crucial to avoid life threatening conditions.

Below are recent highlights of the vital work our vets have done in Kabul:

Animals Treated:

  • Donkeys: 37

  • Horses: 30

Vaccinations: Over 100 animals received rabies and tetanus vaccinations.

Deworming: Over 100 animals were dewormed for parasites.

Hoof Trimming: Nearly 50 animals received hoof trims.

Wound Care: Many animals were treated for wounds on their legs and other areas.

Other Treatments: Animals received care for a variety of illnesses, including respiratory problems, malnutrition, joint pain, and colic.

A few animals are being taken care of with serious conditions, like broken legs and advanced malnutrition, requiring hospitalisation.

We’re so happy to know that the Nowzad team has provided essential veterinary care to a large number of working animals.

Some challenges arose as some animals required surgery, which were performed in the field due to limited resources. A few animals unfortunately reacted poorly to medication.

With your continued support, we can provide communities with vet care, resources like educational materials and equipment to protect animals to prevent future injuries.

Thank you for caring about animals. ❤️

Ellie Herodes