Animal Nepal Dukuchhap Animal Sanctuary Update - Upgrades and Healing Bonds


In May, there were many improvements for our project partners at the Dukuchhap Animal Sanctuary. The dedicated team there has been busy making the sanctuary an even better place for the rescued animals. Paulie, an injured horse, is now in recovery and a special bond is forming between two rescue animals!

Upgrades to the Sanctuary have brought safety and comfort. Repairs were completed on the staircase leading to the horse paddock, creating a safer and more accessible path for both staff and animals. Additionally, a roof was constructed over the dog enclosure, providing essential shelter from the elements. 

As summer temperatures rose, new water pipes were installed to streamline the refilling process, guaranteeing the animals stay cool and hydrated throughout the hot months.

Education is another cornerstone of the sanctuary's mission. A group of final-year veterinary interns from HICAST participated in a hands-on equine care training program led by the sanctuary's experienced senior veterinarian, Dr. Atish. 

The training included practical sessions and theoretical knowledge, equipping the interns with the skills and expertise they'll need to become advocates for animal welfare in the future. 

By supporting the development of future veterinarians, the sanctuary ensures a brighter future for animal care across Nepal.


Paulie, a sweet equine resident undergoing rehabilitation, demonstrates remarkable resilience. Her recovery is progressing steadily, and each day brings her closer to regaining full function. 

Our dedicated staff closely monitors her progress, implementing a comprehensive treatment plan to optimise healing. Positive reinforcement, including nutritional supplements and gentle physical therapy, plays a crucial role in Paulie's journey. We eagerly anticipate the day she returns to the pasture, enjoying the freedom of movement.

Within this nurturing space, animals can find refuge, recover from past experiences and establish meaningful connections with one another.

A loving bond has developed between Kali, a rescued bovine, and Lakshmi, a resident water buffalo. We were overjoyed to see this unexpected companionship - it shows the success of the sanctuary's enrichment program, which fosters a positive and supportive environment.

Kali and Lakshmi

Through ongoing improvements, educational initiatives, and the dedication of its team, the Dukuchhap Animal Sanctuary continues to make a positive difference.

You can help support this incredible sanctuary. Your donations (big or small!) allows the sanctuary to operate and maintain its facilities, providing a safe and secure home for rescued animals.

Ellie Herodes