ZWDP July Update: Full Recovery for Memory and Outreach for Donkeys in Katapazi


Project partners ZWDP have been hard at work helping animals in need in Zambia - their stories of care and recovery made possible with continued support from our donors. 

In just one month, they've assisted 145 donkeys. 7 new donkey owner registration numbers were added to ZWD database making a total of 157 registrations! Medical care was a priority with treatments including antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, antiseptics, worming treatment and wound care.

Additionally, 72 donkeys received dipping treatments, while 39 were dewormed. To enhance the well-being of working animals, ZWDP replaced 7 harmful ox yokes with more humane harnesses.


The ZWDP team expanded their outreach to the new village of Katapazi after hearing that donkey welfare was in need of intervention. The mobile clinics provided essential care to 31 donkeys across 8 owners.

To ensure optimal health and comfort, preventive care was administered to shield the donkeys from harmful parasites such as worms, ticks, fleas, and biting insects. In addition, gentle wound care was provided for 12 injuries caused by ox yoke harnesses, as well as a facial bite wound.


The team's rescue efforts continued to yield positive results! Three donkeys, including Black, affectionately named ‘Small Black’ who was brought in due to underage labour, were successfully rehabilitated at the farm and returned to their owners after receiving necessary care and education on donkey well-being. 

Lillian, who was rescued in February this year, was also reunited with her owner following a full recovery from wounds on her head and back and also a miscarriage. We are incredibly grateful for the compassionate care provided by ZWDP, which made Lillian's recovery and reunion possible. Their compassion for animal welfare is truly inspiring.

Furthermore, the latest rescue Memory, a donkey who had suffered severe injuries to her right front leg and lower jaw, caused by a sharp object was provided intensive care. 

Poor Memory could not eat, was weak and shaken. Thanks to ZWDP’s dedication to help animals, Memory made a remarkable recovery in just 5 days and her wounds healed up wonderfully. The team was able to reunite her with her foal and owner at no cost.

Some sad news also came in, Set and her foal Candice are reported missing. A thorough investigation by the team revealed a compromised fence on the farm. ZWDP have reported this matter to the authorities and are working closely with them to prevent a similar incident from occurring. The well-being of the animals is top priority, and ZWDP is committed to enhancing security measures at the sanctuary.

ZWDP is grateful for the continued support of donors, which enables them to provide essential care, rescue donkeys in distress, and educate the community about responsible animal husbandry, inspiring compassion throughout the villages.

With the generous support of our donors, the rescue donkeys have enjoyed a consistent supply of hay throughout the drought this month as well!

Want to help ZWDP? Every bit counts to continue to supply hay for the rescue farm and provide medical care for donkeys working in their communities.

Donations start from $5! Make a donation here.

Thank you for caring for animals in Zambia - together we’re creating meaningful change where animals are treated with compassion and care.

Ellie Herodes