Volunteer Vet Brings Knowledge to Kurdistan

AAA partner group, the Kurdistan Organization for Animal Rights Protection (KOARP), recently invited a volunteer veterinarian organised through Animal Aid Abroad to hold training workshops in equine treatment and management for their team. It was the first time KOARP welcomed a volunteer vet and had the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of equine care.

Dr Esther van Herwaarden specialises in equine medicine, including metabolic diseases, colic, ulcers, lameness, dentistry and reproduction. KOARP attended various workshops held over nine days by Dr van Herwaarden, including educational talks and practical training in equine treatment. On one of the days, they invited eighteen other veterinarians in the region for a full-day workshop, so they could also improve their skills in equine management. This workshop included theoretical training and practical activities with equines.

KOARP and the other vets all benefitted greatly from Dr van Herwaarden’s knowledge and were very grateful to have had this opportunity.

Janet Thomas