Five Donkeys Saved in Zambia

AAA partner group, Zambezi Working Donkey Project (ZWDP), had a very busy month in April. Thanks to funding from our donors, they conducted 7 outreach clinics in the markets of Livingstone and surrounding villages in Zambia. A total of 184 working donkeys were treated out in the field. Overall, 61 owners attended and 4 humane harnesses were issued.

ZWDP also took in 5 new rescue cases during April, in addition to the 17 rescue donkeys who are currently residing at their Maramba Farm base. Each of these donkeys had their own sad story before the wonderful ZWDP team came to the rescue.

Poor Hunter had recently been branded by his owner. A local vet had advised the owner to do this following a recent spate of donkey thefts in the area. Unfortunately, the vet did not provide any training or guidance on how to brand safely and humanely so, when ZWDP saw Hunter at the market, he was being worked with a huge, raw burn mark on his thigh. This was made even worse by a harness strap rubbing on it! Hunter was brought to ZWDP’s rescue centre for treatment. The team are also holding meetings with senior community members to discuss this issue.

Zebra, a male donkey, was brought in with very bad neck wounds from being worked under a wooden ox-yoke. He is being well cared for and treated successfully at ZWDP’s centre.

Jali is a female donkey who was rescued by ZWDP. Her general condition is terrible and she has digestive issues but she is responding well to treatment, rest and good food.

Sky is a sweet old donkey whose hooves are in a very bad way. Major cracks have appeared and the hoof is almost separated at the coronet band, most likely from being tied by wire. He is also covered in wounds from being beaten and is blind in one eye. ZWDP are hoping Sky will be released to them permanently so he can remain in their sanctuary forever.

Finally, little Trouble, a small donkey who had an awful start to life, was rescued. His mother was axed in a neighbourly dispute and subsequently died from her injuries. At less than two years old, he has been overworked, beaten, and starved. By the time his owners brought him to ZWDP, he was riddled with parasites and his internal organs were starting to fail. The team tried very hard to turn his life around with food, love and medical treatment, but sadly, he took a turn for the worse and they made the kindest decision they could, which was to euthanise. It is so tragic his short life was filled with such suffering and the ZWDP team were extremely sad they couldn’t save him.

Trouble’s case has, however, renewed the team’s determination to do even more for the many voiceless donkeys who work so hard. In a timely moment that coincides with World Donkey Day, ZWDP are taking stock of where they have come from and where they want to be…

Animal Aid Abroad are proud to support the fantastic work of ZWDP and their philosophy that every life matters!

Janet Thomas