Starting Over July Update - Rescue to Recovery: How Your Support is Healing Donkeys from


A short update from our project partner Starting Over but with plenty of heartwarming photos of rescue, recovery and healing.

As of today, there are 53 donkeys in the Hope Compound area.

This week, they transitioned 3 donkeys who completed their rehab into the large herd. One of them was pregnant and we’re happy to share that she gave birth yesterday!

Donkeys being rescued and transported to Starting Over

We also welcomed a new donkey who arrived with a severely injured leg from the Hebron market. The vet believes surgery might help, so we're hopeful for a positive outcome.

In the Hatikva complex, there are currently 34 donkeys from Gaza, bringing our total rescues from Gaza to 174.

Your generous donations are truly transformative. You’re helping to change the lives of donkeys affected by conflict, offering them a future brimming with love and safety.

Witnessing these animals emerge from dire circumstances and then seeing them begin to recover and rediscover their unique personalities is deeply moving for the Starting Over staff and everyone involved.

These heartfelt moments of healing would not be possible without the incredible team at Starting Over and the continued support from all of you.

We are profoundly grateful for your compassion and dedication to the well-being of donkeys and all animals. ❤️

Ellie Herodes