Changing Outdated Practices in India

At the Camel Rescue Centre (CRC), our partner group in Bassi, India, the veterinary team recently treated a camel who was brought in by his owner, Bablu. The camel had a high fever, swelling in his neck and was not eating at all. The poor animal had already endured a traditional ‘treatment’ of hot iron branding on his neck.


CRC vet, Dr. Jitendar, examined the camel and suspected it was a case of haemorrhagic septicaemia. Fluid was administered, along with antibiotics and pain medication. Thankfully, the camel responded very well to treatment and, within three days, the neck swelling had subsided and he started eating again.

The owner was very pleased with the Camel Rescue Centre’s input and now understands the importance and effectiveness of modern veterinary science. Bablu promised not to use this cruel and outdated branding treatment in future. This is just one example of how the CRC are improving the lives of working camels and changing attitudes in this region of India.

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Along with this particular case, during March the CRC treated an amazing 576 camels for a variety of conditions. They dewormed 126 camels, provided 33 with kinder plastic nose pegs, fitted 34 camel carts with safety reflectors and attended to 4 emergencies. The CRC vets also attended to 150 other animals in need, including dogs, cats, cattle, horses and goats.

We are proud to support the CRC and the wonderful role they perform helping the working camels and other animals of Bassi!

Janet Thomas