This June, we are launching an exciting new campaign - Lose the Yoke Harness! Ox yokes are large, heavy, cruel and inappropriate harnesses often used on working donkeys. They cause pain, injury, secondary infections and immense suffering.

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At Animal Aid Abroad, we are focusing on working with our partner programs to abolish the use of these archaic harnesses on donkeys through education and the donation of humane harnesses.

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Along with funding humane harnesses, AAA will also provide working donkeys with reflector collars, which protect them from traffic collisions and attacks from hyenas or lions.

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Please help us reach our goal of raising $36,000 this June to fund the provision of 500 new harnesses and cart conversions, saving 1000 donkeys from pain, injury and suffering.

You can make a tax-deductible donation this June by clicking here or by participating in our online auction [see separate news article]. Small or large, every dollar you donate or bid will fund humane harnesses, lighter carts and reflector collars for working donkeys, protecting them from unbearable pain.

By donating before the end of the financial year [June 30th], you can also claim your donation back on your tax return.

Your support is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

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Janet Thomas