Vet Care and Humane Equipment Changing Working Animals' Lives
Blindlove, our partner group in South Africa, aim to improve the welfare of working donkeys in Grahamstown and working horses in Thaba’Nchu.
At their outreach clinics, all animals are checked for parasites (worms, ticks and flies), and have any wounds cleaned and treated.
Their team also checks, adjusts and replaces any ill-fitting or worn-out harnesses, since these are responsible for causing many wounds. Saddle sores are commonly seen on cart horses, while both donkeys and horses suffer from mouth sores caused by ill-fitting bits. Inappropriate harnesses and bits are replaced with humane equipment whenever possible.
In addition to their veterinary care and equipment checks, Blindlove educates owners on small steps they can take to improve their animal’s welfare. Feed is also provided for animals when the organisation has adequate donations.
Please read on to discover how Blindlove assisted working animals during February. . .
On 22nd February, Blindlove treated 26 donkeys at their outreach day.
Apart from the usual outreach activities outlined above, the team also treated a donkey who had been stabbed on his back. Thankfully, the wound was fairly superficial and easily cleaned.
Another male donkey presented with a nasty throat wound. He had been in a fight with another male and the wound had turned into a huge abscess. The abscess had burst and needed thorough cleaning. The team are hopeful the wound will now heal nicely. Blindlove’s vet will follow up on this case to check the wound’s progress.
You may remember the tiny foal who had been bitten by dogs on his side and face. He has now healed perfectly thanks to his owner’s daily cleaning and care regime! The donkey’s owner, Michael, did such a good job other donkey owners are now taking their animals to him to treat minor wounds. Blindlove gave Michael a basic box of first aid medications and wound care items so he can continue his fantastic work.
During February, the team received a call from Grahamstown SPCA asking if they could drop off seven humane harnesses. The SPCA had noticed seven little donkeys while doing their daily inspections who needed new harnesses. Blindlove were happy to oblige and dropped the harnesses off ASAP.
Seventeen humane harnesses were also issued during Blindlove’s donkey outreach day. Additionally, the team gave out 20 snaffle bits, 12 brand-new donkey halters and 30 fleecy, handmade nosebands. These items had all been kindly donated and will greatly improve the comfort of these working animals.
Blindlove held six outreach days for working horses in February. These took place in Thaba’Nchu and Botshabelo, where 88 horses were seen.
All the horses had their hooves checked and trimmed, with some requiring shoeing too.
The team had received many donated items for working horses, including bits, saddle pads, bridles, halters, fly masks, fleecy blankets and protective boots. Blindlove will gradually distribute these items at outreach clinics.
During February, Blindlove’s director received an emergency call regarding a horse who had been hit by a car in a remote village. The team drove out to the village as soon as they could and provided wound care for this poor horse. Blindlove are heartened that the word is spreading and even animal owners in remote areas are now calling them for assistance.
Heartfelt thanks go out to all Animal Aid Abroad donors for allowing us to fund these wonderful programs in South Africa. You are helping Blindlove improve the lives of these hard-working animals each and every day.