Blind Love June Update - Unexpected Detour Reaches New Donkey Neighbours in Need


Our project partners Blind Love planned a donkey outreach for 22 June, following their successful event in May. 

This time, the team aimed to reach more donkey owners in a new area known as Jozi. The objective was to connect with owners who had not yet attended any outreach events or received new harnesses due to their remote locations.

Despite their best efforts, the team faced challenges spreading the word. Many locals don't have phones, so relying on text messages wasn't an option. When the team arrived in Jozi, the area was cluttered with roadworks and barricades - not ideal for a parade of donkeys! Sadly, no four-legged friends could make it.

However hope remained as the Blind Love team never falters with helping donkeys in need.

 “Even the smallest act of caring for another can tip the scales towards good.”

- Jane Goodall

A friendly face from a previous outreach came to mind! The team remembered a kind man who, while unable to bring his many donkeys to past events, expressed a need for assistance. With renewed hope, they reached out once more, and to their delight, Dr. Annie Mears was onboard to help!

The visit was a great success! Two young male donkeys received a smooth castration procedure from Dr. Annie and are recovering well.

The rest of the man's sweet-natured donkeys had check-ups, deworming, and much-needed medical care for some pesky fly bites. A neighbour even brought his two donkeys along for a wellness check, and he's keen to get his own males castrated as well.

The Blind Love team also handed out some new, humane harnesses for both the man and his neighbour. Everyone left feeling accomplished and happy. The working donkey's health and wellbeing are better protected.

While the Jozi outreach didn't go exactly to plan, the Blind Love team's dedication and quick thinking ensured a day of care and kindness for these deserving donkeys. 

The next regular outreach is planned for the 20th of July - to help more donkeys in need.

A heartfelt thank you to our incredible supporters! Because of you, the welfare of equines, and all animals becomes a top priority. You're ensuring they have a safe and healthy life when working for their community.

Ellie Herodes