Blindlove Update - Kindness Shines Through


Our dedicated partners at Blind Love weren't deterred by a rough weekend of rain and wind!

They pushed forward with their donkey outreach program on Saturday, May 25th, The outreach provided much-needed care and assistance for donkeys.

The day brought a heartwarming encounter with a new owner who came along to the event desperate for new harnesses. His excitement at receiving a bright yellow set was infectious and everyone pitched in to help him fit them properly on his donkeys.

During the event, Blind Love recorded each donkeys' details, dewormed them, treated them for ticks and eased their wounds. One donkey, named Skroef, had a severe sore on its mouth caused by a bit. Blind Love advised the owner to rest Skroef until the wound healed. The owner mentioned he had more donkeys than he could safely bring to the outreach. This prompted Blind Love to arrange a visit to the owner's home to treat all the donkeys – a positive outcome!

Another owner shared a troubling story about one of his younger donkeys being stolen two weeks earlier. Despite identifying the thief, who had cruelly tried to disguise the donkey by mutilating its ear, the owner received no assistance from the police. Blind Love has contacted a lawyer, who has previously assisted with cart horses, to offer advice on how to proceed.

We deeply admire Blind Love's dedication to animal welfare which shines through and warms our hearts.

Their commitment to not only treating individual animals, but also advocating for their well-being through legal support, is truly inspiring. We're incredibly grateful for their tireless work and for the opportunity to play a part in making a difference in the lives of these hardworking donkeys. 

Discussions with owners led to planning the next outreach for June 22nd in Jozi, a more accessible location for them and their animals.

To our wonderful supporters, your donations allow our partners like Blind Love to continue their incredible work, ensuring that animals in these communities receive the care and attention they need.

Every contribution, big or small, allows them to continue providing essential veterinary care, secure better equipment, and advocate for these deserving animals.

Thank you! ❤️🐴

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