Animal Nepal Dukuchhap Animal Sanctuary –April update
Your support means everything to us and our partners, including Animal Nepal. Here is your update from Animal Nepal for April.
In April, we sadly lost one of our donkeys Samir. She had been in good health, so it was unexpected.
Samir was about 20 years old and had been with us for over 10 years after being rescued from a brick kiln, where she had faced a lot of hardships. Samir was one of our friendliest and most mischievous donkeys. She loved to nibble on our clothes and bags. She was also known for being very greedy and was always first in line for food and other treats. Samir got on really well with our older donkeys, Sangeet and Bruna, but she often got irritated with some of our dogs, so she was often seen chasing them around the sanctuary. She was one of a kind, and her presence will be sorely missed. We are very grateful to AAA and Samir’s sponsors for helping us take such good care of Samir for all these years.
Paulie is recovering well from her leg injury. For the time being, she is being kept separate from the rest of the animals. She also tends to prefer being in the stables rather than out in the sun.
Paulie recovering
She has lost some weight, so she is currently on supplements to help her gain some weight and recover fully.
This month, we also welcomed our new batch of interns for 2024, who are final year veterinary students from the Himalayan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (HICAST) where they get to learn about equine management and veterinary care.
We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Animal Aid Abroad for their continued financial support in running and maintaining the sanctuary for our rescued equines in Dukuchhap.
Sangeet and Bruna flaunting their collars
Haluman and Apache
Honey, Moksh and Star
Pravin and Kamu