Zambezi Working Donkey Project - August 2023 Update

Zambezi Working Donkey Project (ZWDP) are very grateful to AAA supporters who help the group rescue, treat and improve the lives of many abused working donkeys in Zambia.

During August ZWDP team treated 62 donkeys through mobile clinics, in addition to 14 permanent residents at Maramba Farm. 55 donkeys were dipped, 38 dewormed and 8 donkeys were treated for wounds.

August was a busy month making harnesses. The team handed out 8 pairs of new harnesses and replaced 2 old pairs that were given out years ago. All harnesses and carts are now being marked with a metal punch which will help the team make their harness project more sustainable.

Unfortunately, similar to July, ZWDP had to rescue 2 donkeys that were attacked by local villagers. This is becoming a bigger problem now as food is more difficult to find and donkeys roam around in veggie gardens. This month, the ZWDP team put in a big effort to find the culprits that committed these crimes. A late-night drive to Muchinga, escorted by the police, was able to identify and arrest the culprits. The case has now been taken over by the police. Going forward ZWDP hope that with this act it will show communities that under no circumstances is animal abuse allowed.

Talent, one of the attacked donkeys, came in with a big open axe wound on the back of her leg. It was discovered she was pregnant so she will stay with at Maramba farm until she has given birth and her axe wound is fully healed.

Kabamba, the other rescue, is unfortunately a very sad story. This donkey came in together with Talent and was very weak when arriving at the farm. She was put in the quarantine paddock so she could be observed closely. Lara, an equine vet from Lusaka treated her but unfortunately, after a lot of effort, fluids and pain meds she sadly passed away.

To end on a more positive note, ZWDP had a successful day out in Mukalahani on the 9th of August where they were accompanied by 2 photographers (via PendaTrust). Their aim is to give photographers experience by visiting local NGO/charities in return for the images. A big thanks to Heidi and Mark who have given ZWDP some great images that will be used on their social media platforms.

It is thanks to the supporters of AAA that ZWDP is able to help these donkeys and will continue fighting their cause wherever they can!

Janet Thomas