Zambezi Working Donkey Project - May 2023 Report

Through the support received by AAA and our supporters, partner group, Zambezi Working Donkey Project (ZWDP) was able to treat 71 donkeys through their mobile clinics in May 2023. In addition to this, there are currently 16 permanent residents at Maramba Farm. 52 donkeys were dipped, 43 dewormed and 13 donkeys treated for wounds.

The team are happy that all the materials to make harnesses have arrived and therefore were able to give out 4 new sets of harnesses and replaced 3 sets. The 4 new sets were given out in a very rural area called Chuunga. On the 18th of May we took a daytrip to this area, after a good 2 hours on bumpy roads we arrived. The people from this village had requested for us to visit as we had never been there before. It was a very successful day, also accompanied by our local vet Bouvy and 3 of her student vets. It was great pleasure to treat all the donkeys and the replace the yokes for humane harnesses.

Besides our regular work, May was a very busy month at Maramba Farm. From the money that we raised during our Online Auction over Easter, we are able to extend our rescue and rehabilitation center and 2 new paddocks were built. Especially one of the paddocks was filled with rubble so hard work was needed to clear everything out. We are super excited to keep expanding our facilities.

On Wednesday the 31st of May, the owner of one of our latest rescues came to pick his donkey up. On the 10th of March, we found a little donkey without a name at Libuyu Market. He was covered in ticks, fleas and was way too skinny. The donkey was named Rain and came back to our rescue center. Rain spent about 2.5 months getting his strength back by receiving the right treatment and plenty of food. His owner came to check on him a couple of times and he couldn’t believe the change. We have agreed he will come to the farm for regular treatment and the team will keep an eye on Rain during our mobile clinics and market visits.

It is thanks to the supporters of AAA that we were able to help these donkeys and we will continue fighting their cause wherever we can!

Janet Thomas