TAHUCHA Donkey Sanctuary report - May 2023

Animal Aid Abroad supporters help the Tanzania Humane Charity (TAHUCHA) improve conditions for the many abused working donkeys in Bukombe, The Bukombe donkey sanctuary had a total of 163 donkeys in March 2023, while 128 donkeys are permanently rehabilitated and 35 were hospitalized temporarily for treatment and care.

At the sanctuary, all water troughs are in good condition and serve the purpose of keeping water for the donkeys to drink. Rosie Gate, three stables, and the yard are all in good condition and no repair has been required. The wells are still working and supplying water at the sanctuary.

TAHUCHA workers (Ndebile and Naomi) are securing and implementing proper duties to ensure that all properties are secured, safe, clean, watering, and grazing donkeys are maintained.

In March 2023 TAHUCHA received a visitor from SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, Dr Musa Mahamba (Tutor assistant of College of Biomedical science and veterinary medicine) he made a simple visit to the college and his remarks were that everything is excellent. The facility and equipment available including the animals’ conditions means that the centre is fit to be a training center for para vets and vets practices. Two vets are now volunteering at TAHUCHA for three days so as to learn donkey welfare related matters.

The pasture project is not yet established but expected to be initiated in June 2023.


Janet Thomas