Friendicoes Equine Program - April 2023 Report

With the help of our donors, Animal Aid Abroad supports partner group Friendicoes in India with their Equine and Para-vet Program. Following is their report for April 2023.

Colic as usual dominated the cases seen, as the summer heat alternates with unexpected rains and chilly weather. Colic involves dehydration, impaction and poor gut motility which requires pain killers, fluid therapy and laxatives. This issue has kept the team extremely busy with emergency cases coming up every day.

During April the team also dealt with an unusually large lacerated wound on the hip of a horse who had been in a road accident with a truck. It was difficult to arrest the bleeding, and combined with a mild heat stroke, this animal’s recovery time will be slow. The wound was covered with muslin after treatment to keep flies away and the horse is being rested.

Another horse treated by the team was suffering from a forehead injury, likely caused by some sharp object either in traffic or when tied near the street. Such accidents are common given that horse drawn carts are not given the respect they deserve by other traffic and faster vehicles on the road.

Another case they came across was that of Hygroma - a traumatic injury to the knee joint causing swelling and difficulty in moving. This required drainage of fluid, painkillers and tetanus vaccination.

One horse owner had attempted to treat his foal himself using an infected needle in the wrong site, so an abscess formed at the injection site. The abscess was treated, however this foal is in poor condition, and the team asked the owner to surrender this animal to the sanctuary. The owner was unwilling.

The team also saw a number of severe saddle/back sores due to some new brick kilns in the area. Many of the horses here were in very poor condition with wounds, saddle sores and general emaciation. The team treated all animals, distributed keens to prevent the back sores, and will be keeping an eye on these brick kilns.

With a few more rescues this month, the sanctuary resident number has risen to over 100.

Thank you to our donors who help us support the much-needed work that Friendicoes do in this area.

Janet Thomas