Animal Nepal Dukuchhap Animal Sanctuary – March 2023 Report

Part of the work that Animal Aid Abroad supports is that of caring for rescued animals in sanctuaries around the world. During March, the animals at the Animal Nepal Dukuchhap Animal Sanctuary were due for their yearly Tetanus vaccination which can be a particularly challenging time for our veterinary team as some of our animals are very scared of the needles, especially the bigger horses and mules. This year Honey, Tara and Moksh were the most difficult to catch and they made our team run around for almost an hour before they could be caught. It was very tiring work for our team but also very entertaining to watch! The donkeys are always the most well behaved and easiest to vaccinate and surprisingly our older bull Kumu as well!

This month also saw the completion of a brand new outdoor shed for our horses and mules as the old one was in a very poor condition and we had really been wanting to get that replaced before the rainy season starts.

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Animal Aid Abroad for their continued financial support in the running and maintenance of the sanctuary for our rescued equines in Dukuchhap.

Janet Thomas