Liberia Animal Welfare and Conservation Society (LAWCS) - Story from the Field

Below is a story about the impact of LAWCS’ programme:

With financial support from Animal Aid Abroad Inc., LAWCS inspires animal owners to learn about the plight of their working animals, the contributions of the working animals, the basic needs of the animals to keep them happy and healthy, and family responsibility in including the animals in their families.

Mamadi lives in a rural town in Guinea with his family and depends on his donkey as a source of income for his family. He uses the donkey to transport materials for other people and the services are paid for. LAWCS’ program has greatly helped Mamadi and his donkey including his family. Mamadi and his family underwent awareness training on animal welfare and this has helped to increase their love and affection for their donkey. The donkey also receives free regular check up and treatment from LAWCS.

Janet Thomas