Camel rescue Centre in Bassi - April update

The Help in Suffering Camel Rescue Centre has sent us an update on two case studies from April:



One day a camel came to us from Dudhwala village. The owner Satyanarayan told us that the camel was not passing faeces for 3 days and showing symptoms of colic. Sometimes the colic was so severe that the camel was lying down and rolling on the ground.

Our vet at CRC started the treatment. The camel was administered fluid to counter dehydration, some oral laxatives and other symptomatic medicine were also given.

Next day the owner called us and told us that the camel passed a large amount of foul smelling faeces. He also started eating small amounts of food.



One day when our team reached Langariawas, an owner Deepak Kumar came to us as his camel’s one eye turned whitish and was full of tears. The owner did not know the reason behind this.

The most common reason for opacity in eyes is physical injury, which may be due to hitting or injury by a thorn from a tree.

Dr. Jitendar started the treatment. All appropriate medicines and eye drops were given. When our team visited the same site next week, we were so happy to see almost complete improvement.

Janet Thomas