Animal Nepal - March 2022 update

Animal Nepal have sent us their March 2022 update:

This month, one of our younger horses Star suffered some light injury to her hind legs, resulting in her limping. There were no external wounds and we are not exactly sure how she sustained the injury but she could have hurt her legs when playing with the larger mules and horses and sometimes the play can get slightly rough! She is however recovered now and back to her active and cheerful self.

We are currently in the process of moving our newest rescues Kumari (Kumu) and Arun – 2 adolescent bulls into Dukuchhap. They will move in once their shelter is built, which will be away from that of the equines. We are very grateful to AAA for agreeing to provide sponsorship for our Kumu and Arun and we look forward to sharing their updates with you. As we now have a separate paddock for our donkeys, we are now building a small shed for them in the paddock, somewhere for them to seek shelter from the sun and rain. Both building work should be completed by end of April.

The rest of our animals are all doing well, with no health issues. We are still waiting on the report of our soil test, following the passing of Chandani.

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Animal Aid Abroad for their continued financial support in the running and maintenance of the sanctuary for our rescued equines in Dukuchhap.

Janet Thomas