Tanzania Humane Charity (TAHUCHA) - December 2021 Report

In early December 2021, the TAHUCHA team received an emergency call from the village officer claiming that there is a donkey in his locality that had a debilitating wound on its shoulder. TAHUCHA responded quickly to reach NYAMAKUNKWA village in order to examine the donkey.

At a distance the donkey had a visible erythematous wound on the right shoulder and had intense pain. After thorough clinical examination the TAHUCHA team provided painkillers, wound dressing and cleaning of the wound then antibiotics were administered to prevent secondary bacterial infection.

Following the history from the owner, the donkey was lost for seven days because it was breeding season and they suspected that was a bite from a stallion during mating and the wound become worse due to it being missing a long time without  intervention.

The TAHUCHA team prescribed rest, feeding, watering and confinement of the stallion until full recovery. Treatment to be continuous for 14 days with consecutive daily wound cleaning and dressing. At 26 days of treatment, the wound had healed and at the moment the stallion is in good condition and health and almost had recovered from the intense pain.

TAHUCHA gratefully acknowledges Animal Aid Abroad (AAA) for being keen to assist us to save and reduce pain for innocent working donkeys in the Bukombe district.


Janet Thomas