TAHUCHA's May activity in Tanzania

“In the location TAHUCHA operates, donkeys are laboriously depended upon as a direct source of earning income for households and the nation at large. Notwithstanding this significance in terms of income for human beings, there is an obvious lack of awareness of the compassion in handling donkeys. High priority and nonstop aid for extreme medical situations and humane education is essential to rescue the lives of donkeys from exertion and misery.

At its core, TAHUCHA, with its partner AAA, is working continuously to lessen hardship and redeem the lives of working donkeys.

In May 2021, we were able to help donkeys in the rural settings of 12 villages across 4 wards of the Bukombe District through ambulatory advocacy. The matter that has been in focus are donkey injuries and pain as a result of ox yoke use, overloading and beating.

In May, we addressed 974 donkeys with trauma which we were able to treat and effectively cure as well as several circumstances of glanders, recurrent obstructive airways, botulism (food poisoning), vesicular stomatitis, colic, piroplasmosis, babesiosis, ectoparasites (lice, mange, flies and ticks), inflammation under the skin including abscesses and hematomas, lameness due to tendon, muscular, bone, hoof and joint problems. All were examined and managed. The 59 donkeys hospitalized in our TAHUCHA sanctuary were treated and recovered in one to 3 weeks, 18 are yet under our charge but 41 donkeys have been taken back to their owners.

An updated on the donkey that was brought in during March 2021 to the TAHUCHA sanctuary with severe wounds on the back and thigh: currently the wounds are in better stages of healing and the donkey’s prognosis is excellent under the super effect of honey. 

Immediately after treatment of animals, donkey owners, riders, attendants and group leaders are educated on the humane handling of donkeys.

 In the course of May 2021, 86 community members were educated on proper humane handling and harnessing of donkeys. We are pleased to be leaving a bequest of 10 advocates working on a step forward foundation, some self-sustained and some becoming self-sufficient, coaching everyone else in the areas of installing harnesses accurately, recognizing minor wounds and cleaning wounds that require vet attention, etc. 

Gratitude to AAA supporters for helping TAHUCHA to devote wherever the requirement is in the attempt to aid mistreated working donkeys.”

Janet Thomas