Zambezi Working Donkey Project - Activity Update March 2021

The rains have finally gone and we are back to blue skies and soaring heat each day, though the evenings are getting a little chillier as we head towards winter…

Our rescue donkeys at Maramba Farm are happy and healthy, though we are still working on fattening some of them up. No new rescues this month, which is always a good thing!

During March our project supervisor Emmanuel was able to get back out to the villages on the motorbike to conduct home visits and follow-up checks. We also undertook a mobile clinic at Natebe Village on Good Friday. On previous occasions of clinics in the Natebe area we have found some bad cases of neglect and abuse, but this time we were encouraged to see all owners still using their humane harnesses and not one ox-yoke in sight! There were some bad tick infestations, so we dipped and dewormed all the donkeys as well as providing guidance on nutrition and general upkeep of working donkeys.

This month we attended to 96 working donkeys from 31 owners, and provided 17 new sets of harness.

Janet Thomas