Animal Nepal Dukuchhap donkey sanctuary monthly report - March 2021

All of our donkeys, mules and horses are doing well in this month with no signs of illness and injury. As the grass begins to grow with the onset of the rain, they are very much enjoying grazing on green grass, which is very difficult to come by during the winter months. We have set aside some of our land purely for growing grass and our caretakers chop the grass regularly and give them to the animals. Our newest rescue Tara from Nuwakot, is doing well and has been largely accepted by the group, but we noticed that Moksh doesn’t get along with him too well. It is most likely because they are both quite big males and are trying to assert their dominance. So for the time being, we have separated them to prevent any clashes. We will gradually reintroduce them to one another again and if all goes well, they will be kept in the same paddock during the daytime. Our veterinary interns are very much enjoying their regular visits to the sanctuary. They are learning a lot from these visits and are one of a handful of veterinary students in Nepal who have experienced working with equines and will be better equipped to treat equines in the future once they qualify as vets. At the time of writing this report, we have lost our dearest Krishna, we will write a full report on Krishna in our April report. We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Animal Aid Abroad for their continued financial support in the running and maintenance of the sanctuary for our rescued equines in Dukuchhap.

Janet Thomas