TAHUCHA October 2021 Report

The Tanzania Humane Charity (TAHUCHA) team, during October, met with a donkey straining to pull a cart with a large load of sand. At a distance the team could see that the donkey was dull with decreased mobility of the ears and twitching tail thereafter. The TAHUCHA veterinary team decided to take the donkey from the yoke and conducted a thorough clinical examination which revealed that the donkey had a penetrating wound on the ventral  anal orifice that was causing intense pain to the innocent donkey. Instantly the team provided painkillers and surgical management by suturing the wound. Antibiotics were also given to prevent secondary bacterial infections. The TAHUCHA team asked the donkey rider the cause of this painful wound on the sensitive area but he did not respond. They noticed that the cause of wound was due to the rider deliberately stabbing the anal region with a sharp stick in order to make the donkey run while pulling the cart.

Training was provided to the donkey riders on the humane methods for donkey care, and the donkey was referred to the sanctuary for rest, treatment, feed and water until a full recovery was made.

Janet Thomas