Zambezi Working Donkey Project - September 2021 Update

Zambezi Working Donkey Project’s latest rescues ‘Jack’ and Jenny’ have been through an horrific ordeal… their owner came to Maramba Farm seeking help after his neighbour set fire to the donkeys! They had strayed onto a vegetable garden and were punished for trying to find something to eat. Unfortunately, at this time of year there is very little grass left in many areas and donkeys are tempted by the fresh green food they see in (usually unfenced) gardens. Given the nature of this case we are working with the owner and police to ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable.

This has been a truly challenging time for the team and their burns require twice daily cleaning and treatment. We believe the donkeys will pull through, with time and careful attention, but it has been a painful and traumatic experience for them.

Regarding the two donkeys named ‘Brown’ and White’ who were taken in last month, Brown was returned to his owner once he had recuperated sufficiently to work, and we will be following up regularly to monitor his condition. White has been released permanently as she is almost blind and unable to pull a load due to deformities. We are assisting her owner to find a younger healthy donkey to replace her.

Some happy news to round off this update - the female donkey Chisonso who underwent surgery to remove a tumour from her tummy is fully healed and this month went to her new forever home. We were approached by some people who had a male donkey that was very lonely after his mate sadly died, so he and Chisy are both very happy now to have some company!

Thank you so much to the donors of Animal Aid Abroad – your support is making a big impact on the lives of working donkeys here in Zambia.

Janet Thomas