LAZAWO continues the good work in Tanzania
Following is the December 2020 update from AAA partner group LAZAWO in the Butiama-Mara region in Tanzania:
"In December 2020 LAZAWO saved 403 donkeys in seven villages in the Butiama district through the veterinary and education program.
The donkeys we saw had different welfare and health issues and all these issues are the cause of the donkey’s pain and sufferings. These conditions include wounds caused by ox-yoke harnesses, hot iron for donkeys’ identification, beating and overloading. These wounds were dressed, treated and finally the wounds healed.
Other condition we saw in December included Lameness cases caused by hoof problems, tick infestation, eye problems, ear infection, tetanus and equine trypanasomiasis.
During the mobile veterinary clinic program, we also have a room to train the donkeys owner, and hence we trained 51 donkey owners on the donkeys’ welfare needs and humane harnesses.
On another side of our work of donkeys feeding project in Butiama which has several works attached like well construction (has already been constructed and named Caruso well) we have slowly started the construction of feeding/drinking trough where the donkeys in Butiama will be able to get water during dry season.
We highly thank our donor Animal Aid Abroad (AAA) for their great support and work with LAZAWO to save donkeys and the community of Butiama."