April Update from Animal Nepal
"With monsoon having started very early this year, April turned out to be a wet month. This means the equines at the Donkey Sanctuary get less time to go out grazing and playing. But there’s a positive side to the rain too, as it makes the fresh green grass which we grow for the equines grow faster.
Animal Nepal’s team this month vaccinated all equines against rabies and carried out the grooming and hoof cleaning as scheduled. The team also treated a few minor wounds. BB started limping with her right hind leg but luckily with good treatment and some extra attention, it soon improved. BB can now be seeing running and playing with her friends again.
This month we sadly had to say goodbye to beloved Chung. Chung was anorexic with subnormal temperature. She was shivering and was kept in the isolation unit for two days and regularly visited by the vets and staff. Sadly her condition did not improve and she passed away on the third morning. She will be greatly missed!"