Over 150 donkeys helped through donkey clinics in Malawi
LSPCA is one of Animal Aid Abroad's partner groups based in Malawi and has had a busy couple of months in March and April, carrying out two large donkey clinics. These clinics saw over 150 donkeys being attended to for various ailments ranging from routine deworming, hoof trimming, wound treatment and various other ailments. As always, the donkey owners are grateful for the service provided by the LSPCA in partnership with AAA. With few veterinarians in the country, a donkey goes through it's entire lifetime without getting any veterinary attention despite it's various problems being simple to treat.
The team also attended two emergencies during March and April. In the first, the team sadly arrived too late after a donkey had been involved in a car accident and passed away before help arrived at the scene. The second involved a donkey which had broken it's leg. The owner reported that villagers had seen another member of the community assault the donkey after he found it grazing in his field. On examination of the donkey, it was found that the donkey had an obvious fracture to the hind cannon bone.Despite the severe nature of the fracture, the owner pleaded against euthanasia. The team stabilised the fracture using a fibreglass cast and recommended strict confinement to give the leg some time to heal. With the cast being changed every two to three weeks over the past two months, the leg is healing well. One more month with the cast will ensure sufficient healing.
Animal Aid Abroad is very grateful for your support to help us in the continued assistance for LSPCA and their donkey clinics and emergency services.