Harnessing workshop in Kilimandafu Village a positive step

The Meru Animal Welfare Organisation (MAWO) have treated many serious donkey wounds in Kilimandafu Village, most of them the result of poor harnessing. This motivated the group to educate the locals on proper harnessing and donkey-friendly carts to end the cruelty, while still enabling the donkeys to transport loads for their owners.
A three-day workshop was held for 20 women from the village who use donkeys in their everyday life. 
The women were taught to make well cushioned pack saddles using clothes, nylon sacks and grass for padding. Model carts were also donated to demonstrate durable but friendly donkey carts.
With 20 women trained, the group expect to see less wounds and improved overall health in the local donkey population, as well as a general awareness of donkey welfare. It would also be great to see some economic empowerment in the community through the supply and demand of good harnesses and carts, which would also lead to increased efficiency from the donkeys working under humane and comfortable conditions.
MAWO aim to award 'donkey harness champions' in the community to sustain the work done in the workshop, and encourage others to follow suit.
MAWO thanks Animal Aid Abroad and it's supporters for enabling them to empower the women and improve the welfare of the working donkeys in Kilimandafu Village.

Janet Thomas